100% Satisfaction Guarantee

100% Satisfaction Guarantee

Don’t Worry – Be Happy!

We want you to be completely satisfied with your land investment.

We get it, buying land can be intimidating. Buying land over the internet, even more so. We understand that and want you to be completely satisfied with your land investment. You are fully protected by our 30 Day Satisfaction Guarantee.

You are welcome to check out our properties in person before buying, but we realize that’s not always feasible. With our 30 Day Satisfaction Guarantee you can avoid having the land of your dreams purchased by someone else while you were arranging to go see it.

If you aren’t satisfied with your land investment for any reason within the first 30 days of purchase, we will refund your down payment or offer you to exchange your property for any other land in our portfolio plus or minus the difference in price. This guarantee excludes any fees (i.e., closing costs, doc fees, finance fees, taxes) and applies to financed properties only.

Your satisfaction is very important to us. We want you to have the perfect piece of land for your needs, and we will do whatever we can to help make that possible.